Ayşen AlahabalıThe Future of Web3 MarketingIntegrating ChatGPT and AI TechnologiesFeb 28, 2023Feb 28, 2023
Simranjot SinghThe Metaverse: A Future of AI and Immersive ExperiencesThe Metaverse has become a common topic of discussion in all casual or professional conversations. With ChatGPT being public, this exciting…Feb 6, 2023Feb 6, 2023
InPredictbyLouis Rosenberg, PhDThe Language of the MetaverseWith so much hype around the metaverse, the public has been flooded with new phrases and acronyms. If you’re confused, it’s not your fault…Feb 10, 20222Feb 10, 20222
Judith WolstVad är en DAO och varför ska jag bry mig?DAO står för ”Decentralized Autonomous Organization” och utgår från idén att ett företag kan existera utan vare sig VD, styrelse, chefer…Jan 31, 2022Jan 31, 2022
InBuilding the MetaversebyJon RadoffComparing Economies in Virtual WorldsEconomies in virtual worlds have a large number of distinguishing characteristics. This ontology attempts to describe them in terms of two…Feb 10, 2022Feb 10, 2022
InBuilding the MetaversebyJon RadoffMetaverse Interoperability, Part 1: ChallengesMany people see interoperability — the ability to unify economies, avatars and systems across worlds— as one of the defining properties of…Jan 24, 20224Jan 24, 20224
Judith WolstVad är NFT?När man säger blockkedjor är det många som kopplar det till bitcoin eller andra kryptovalutor. Inte så konstigt då bitcoin var den första…Jan 24, 2022Jan 24, 2022
InPredictbyLouis Rosenberg, PhDRegulate the MetaverseWhy regulation is important and urgent.Dec 21, 20212Dec 21, 20212
InThe StartupbyShreya Badonia 🧨Aligning with The Future of Content CreationWeb 3.0 and community is the only way upDec 15, 202114Dec 15, 202114
Ole HeineThe Future of Ownership: Mapping the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Landscape 2021Non-fungible tokens have been making a lot of headlines this year. It seems that every news organization has been attempting to answer…Jul 20, 20213Jul 20, 20213
InDebuggerbyClive ThompsonThe Metaverse Is Already Here — It’s MinecraftBlocky game-worlds are decentralized, thriving, hackable, and have produced a vibrant economyOct 31, 202116Oct 31, 202116
InOneZerobyLance UlanoffThere is No Metaverse Without a Killer AppGo ahead, build your 3D VR worlds and then, please, let’s figure out what to do in themNov 16, 202111Nov 16, 202111
MetaLegends5 Metaverse Platforms Changing The Future.Late October and Facebook changes the Metaverse conversation forever. Metaverse cryptocurrencies go ballistic in the aftermath, mainstream…Dec 8, 20212Dec 8, 20212
Inmetaversesby@ChrisMatthieuThe Metaverse v1.0 Is Already HereThe metaverse is all the buzz these days but most people I speak with still can’t define it. Those of us who have been in the XR (AR/VR)…Nov 12, 2021Nov 12, 2021
Regia MarinhoWhat is Web 3.0 IIWeb 3.0 is a big concept. It’s a new era of the internet.Nov 20, 20211Nov 20, 20211
InAR/VR Journey: Augmented & Virtual Reality MagazinebyTim Frank AndersenMetaverses in the making#2 of my Tech Predictions for 2022Dec 20, 2021Dec 20, 2021
InGeek CulturebyDavid Dal BuscoBye-Bye Amazon & Google, Hello Web 3.0We are migrating our web application to DFINITY’s Internet Computer.Oct 11, 20216Oct 11, 20216