A handful of links week 19

Deeped Strandh
3 min readMay 28, 2023


This is a translated version of my weekly newsletter with a handful of links that I’ve read during the last week. If you read Swedish, you can have it in your mail every Wednesday by subscribing here: En handfull länkar

What is needed for innovation not to remain with the geeks? A “dinosaur whisperer,” someone who can make things understandable for the rest of the company and, most importantly, those in charge. Interesting text by Arthur Gueneau. https://medium.com/@arthur.gueneau/what-your-innovation-team-is-missing-is-a-dinosaur-whisperer-b46d7e15bdcb Can’t help but think of my friend Jocke who embodies this role. (Medium.com is, in my opinion, a fantastic platform with endless great content. Some articles are open, while others require reading within your five free reads. But it’s worth paying fifty kronor if you want to read more.)

I asked ChatGPT to summarize Troy Young’s, from People vs. Algorithms, lengthy text on “Chegged”: “Chegg lost half its value to a new competitor, ChatGPT. This shows how AI will transform businesses, including the media. Media brands must consider how chat impacts search traffic and utilize AI to automate everything except human creation. Generational shifts in media consumption will also matter. It’s an exciting time, but it’s also time to think about what happens if we get ‘Chegged’ in return.” I think you should read the entire article — it’s much better. https://www.peoplevsalgorithms.com/p/getting-chegged

Those who read my previous (first) newsletter will remember Catherynne M. Valente’s piece on how bad the Internet has become. Cory Doctorow is interviewed by Jacobin’s David Moshcrop, claiming that the Internet is no longer a nice place — and that Big Tech holds the Internet hostage. It’s a lengthy interview with typical “Coryisms,” where both Musk, the AI hype, and Google get a fair share of criticism. Worth reading. https://jacobin.com/2023/05/cory-doctorow-big-tech-internet-monopoly-capitalism-artificial-intelligence-crypto/

Steve Wunker from Branding Insider has described how a company must ensure its corporate culture can handle AI. One of the factors that will ultimately enable a company to harness the power of various AI solutions while others cannot. https://brandingstrategyinsider.com/how-to-create-an-ai-ready-company-culture/

Side hustles are Gen Z’s thing. Business Insider’s Eve Upton-Clark has delved deep into the generation that “after watching that dream die for millennials, Gen Z isn’t buying into what they view as a broken social contract” and therefore focuses more on finding ways to have fun and work. One of the most interesting generational articles in a while. https://www.businessinsider.com/gen-z-hustle-generation-jobs-work-side-hustle-freelance-2023-5?r=US&IR=T

Paul Ronge provides an overview of recent crisis management from the perspective of Uppdrag Granskning (Assignment: Examination), and it’s interesting reading where we see how the investigators fail in their crisis management when they are scrutinized and how they resort to the same methods they usually question and criticize. https://www.paulronge.se/uppdrag-gransknings-krishaveri

A tip: Jocke Jardenberg has launched #ensakidag (#onesubjectaday). Right now, it’s focused on AI, but if you haven’t listened to what he did before, there are many gems. As usual, it’s available on social media platforms, but I prefer listening to the podcast version, which you can find on Podcaster https://podcasts.apple.com/se/podcast/ensakidag-en-rikt



Deeped Strandh
Deeped Strandh

Written by Deeped Strandh

Social media strategist for more than a decade. Photographer on my spare time.

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